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Obama Wins Viral Video

2008 Presidential Candidates & Interactive Media

I’m a big fan of custom flash units in interactive video advertising. Barbarian Group kicked off the genre with Burger King’s Subserviant Chicken, but EVB & Toy New York helped Office Max push custom advertainment virally with personal content in Elf Yourself.

Two other examples come to mind, Aveaword for BMW Mini UK by Glue London and Carmen Had a Crush On You by JetSet Studios for the Meet the Spartans movie.

As a producer, I like the mix of creative and technical strategy required to pull these off as well as the challenge of tight broadcast integration. These campaigns also glean solid web analytics to help justify ROI. I’ve had fun planning the execution of similar concepts for NASCAR champion Carl Edwards who is building his own personal brand quite well.

Here is the latest one created by & sent from my longtime friend @NigelPrentice imploring the consequences of my not voting for Obama.

This is a clever execution that is relatively inexpensive because the back-end logic simply handles text & destination email. It doesn’t use pics, video or mobile, all of which yield a richer experience, but exclude less savvy participants. As a result, this simple concept can take off quicker and spread further.

Did you get this in your inbox? I’d be interested in hearing any metrics & market penetration for this campaign. Otherwise, what do you think of the execution?

Post Election Update: Frank Luntz, political analyst and author of Words That Work , says “for the first time ever, this election cycle, more young people got their information from the web than from the print media or television. This has never happened before. It means that YouTube and MySpace and Facebook matter.”

2 replies on “Obama Wins Viral Video”

Shannon, hey buddy. (Nice name drop, btw.) I would like to see some penetration and reach numbers on this, also. Anecdotally, I know that most of my family and friends received this at least two weeks before election night. Like you, I felt it was nicely done: good writing, good production, and easy to interact with. Oh yeah… “Shannon = Loser” Classic!

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