Interactive Producers are often tasked with domain name registration and management on interactive campaigns. To this end, I offer a Domain Checklist to help producers and brand domainers obtain domain names from the registrar provider. Let’s look at the pros and cons of GoDaddy.
Reasons to Use GoDaddy
Search domains Their whois search is good at recommending similar domains. This is helpful during domain selection in the campaign’s creative strategy phase.
Cheap registration GoDaddy has always offered the most competitive registration rates for commercial domains. Be sure to get a significant discount using the GoDaddy promo codes from the Live Codes blog. This can be a significant savings the client will appreciate, especially when registering hundreds of domains purely in defense of domainjacking.
Smooth domain administration GoDaddy offers one of the easiest control panels in the industry for domain renewals, DNS changes, domain transfers and bulk administration. Domainers can also lock accounts and plan auto-renewals for up to 10 years.
Wide TLD variety GoDaddy allows registration with a large number of top level domains, including some TLDs reserved for country codes and sponsored entities. Use the convenience of a single source.
Flexible terms on hosting The GoDaddy hosting model is engineered for a high volume of low traffic sites. I once produced a campaign that generated so much traffic on GoDaddy servers, they had to temporarily take our site offline to move it to a different production environment. We got a surprise series of bills for the burstable load, our hosting bill jumped from $200 to nearly $20,000!
Despite our success in marketing, I negotiated a significant price reduction. GoDaddy graciously agreed to accept a fraction of the cost, and they allowed us to move the campaign to a host provider better equipped to scale rapidly during traffic crunches.
You can reach a human being Unlike many smaller registrars, you can talk to a real people at GoDaddy. Call (480) 505-8877. This can be crucial when dealing with odd situations like sponsored TLDs, renewals, transfers, emergency DNS administration or chasing down account access due to poor management during campaign staff turnover.
Proactive customer service Update I got a brief voicemail from GoDaddy just checking in to make sure everything is a-ok. Nice touch!
Reasons to Avoid GoDaddy
Excessive Upselling During Registration I don’t even ask my most savvy brand managers to suffer the endless stream of GoDaddy upselling during the registration. My campaigns rarely need the privacy, promotional or hosting add-ons. It can be tricky navigating the registration process, especially by domain owners that aren’t sure about what services are needed.
However, his boorish persona steeped in adolescence and keenly expressed in the company’s sexually charged Superbowl ads is kinda creepy (he really should consider leaving Guyland). Judging by his fan comments, he has managed to build a cult following a la other web celebs. But is his regression really such a feat in the shadow of Hugh Hefner? I’m just sayin’. Have some fun, but think a little more Richard Branson or Larry Ellison and less Tila Tequila.
Deconstructing Personal Twitter Feeds to Help Communication
Without being privy to formal Twitter usability studies, I’d wager most people rarely browse their tweet timeline beyond the first page. For those of us who follow hundreds and thousands of tweeters, we miss the vast majority of tweets in our network. It also means that only the most frequent tweeters have a chance of being heard by their followers.
How to hear your friends on Twitter
When I’m in a consumer mode, I often click on individual tweeters to read their last series of posts. I gravitate toward different people depending on what mood/topic I’m interested in at the time.
My friend who is new to Twitter asks, “How can I push my friend’s tweets to me?” Easy. Scroll to the bottom of a profile and subscribe to the RSS feed. You will see their tweets in your reader.
You may have select tweeters of whom you’d like to read everything they say, so subscribe to their RSS feeds. Note, when someone deletes a tweet from their timeline, it still appears in their RSS feed like Google Reader or Facebook. People in this category might include:
Use @name replies so tweets about them will show up in their Replies list. I’ve found people tend to favorite these tweets more often (I do too) and people are more apt to reply back. Be sure to put the @reply at the beginning of your tweet, otherwise it will not appear in their Replies list (Twitter should fix this).
I also direct message (DM) people with increasing frequency. By default, Twitter sends them an email to their preferred email account and it lands in their Direct Messages queue. Good uses for @replies and DMs are:
Expressing appreciation for new follows
Conventions, tweet-ups
To make an introduction
Apply for jobs w/ Twitter-savvy recruiters like @kimhaynes
Ping a friend’s mobile device (also use the Nudge feature)
Quick & pithy emails
Top of mind awareness
Lead generation
Is this helpful? Please talk back with a comment or tweet me with an @reply or DM 🙂
In my experience on campaigns large and small, domain management is too often been an afterthought. This is unfortunate because proper domain planning can really help the success of a campaign just as a lack of planning can harm a campaign. Domain stewardship isn’t difficult and it attaches naturally to the creative process.
Online Brand Stewards Should Control Domains
Who is the proper steward of a brand online? The client? The ad agency? The interactive agency? There are many POVs about who “owns” a brand online.
As marketing stretches into corporate strategy, sales, service and support, it becomes more than visual identity and messaging in traditional media. Arguably, some measure of brand ownership actually transfers to the public because of the distributed self-investment of social media.
Online brand stewardship is currently relative to a blend of talent, resources, capabilities, experience and expertise within a particular client-agency partnership. Depending on the mix, brand control would clearly fall into one camp, or it might be a joint responsibility with each party assuming specific roles.
Regardless of who stewards the brand online, one party should assume ownership of the brand’s roster of domains.
Domain Management for Small Businesses
When I started my own web development company in 1997, I used to register domains for my clients. I stopped this practice by 2000 because I found it to be a taxing deviation from my primary service. I spent too much time tracking down old clients, getting renewal approvals and collecting money for domains I paid for, but didn’t own.
I also wasted a lot of time tracking down old web developers and hosting partners who had registered my client’s name in their own name. In most cases, I’d have to convince a dejected former partner to hand me the domain keys. In some cases I encountered old vendors who wouldn’t release the domain without receiving payment on an unrelated service, a form of blackmail domainjacking. Consequently, I registered domains on behalf of my clients using their credit cards.
Today, small hosting companies and web developers can turn to broad suites of automated hosting tools to help them run their business. These tools handle everything from lead gen to automated POS, server administration, and of course, discounted domain registration.
Still, I encounter considerable domain management risk all too frequently. Registration and administration is abdicated to the most technically savvy people on the team.
Good domain management involves more strategy than production. Many domain managers are intimidated by the technicalities of domaining, but they really just need to approve a clear domain strategy. The plan can easily be executed by an interactive producer or brand domainer.
As interactive media matures, I foresee a greater dependency on a unique service discipline: the Brand Domainer. This person or company would monitor domaining trends and would consult with agencies and clients on procurement. Domaining and brand registration is a critical duty in interactive campaigns, yet this responsibility is currently dispersed between IT, marketing & production groups and across client, agency, developer and hosting companies.
The Brand Domainer fulfills these roles:
Domain Procurement & Maintenance
Stakes out and maintains Registrar partnerships for generic, sponsored and country code TLD registration & transfers. Marks timely payments to avoid downtime and tightly controls DNS administration across all brands.
The idea of a “Digital Safe Deposit” can be useful for interactive ad campaigns, especially flights across multiple platforms (social media, SaaS, Web 2.0, DNS, hosting, etc). With dispersed talent & high turnover between client/agency/interactive/partner companies, account authentication & digital assets are at risk.
Domain Consultation & Recommendations
Make recommendations on domain names based on availability, creative work, domaining budget and risk of domainjacking threat.
Social Media Consultation & Profile Registration
Make recommendations on social media platforms based on creative work and risk of domainjacking threat. Register profiles and maintain a master list of access points for brand agents and community managers.
Domaining Budget
Forecast and maintain domain registration budgets based on procurement plan and length of agreements.
Brand Monitoring & Policing
Use RSS & monitoring tools like Google Blog Search, Radian6, TweetBeep and to passively intercept threats. Actively query and patrol search engines and popular social media platforms for brand abuses.
Protectors of very large brands already pursue brand infringements, at least passively. I have a good friend who took his site down after receiving a Cease and Desist letter from McDonalds. This was for a .nl Netherlands domain that simply began with “Mc.” Either some poor legal IT intern found his obscure domain while scouring the web through a dictionary search (black helicopter active), or his online brand promotion was so successful that he sprang up on a staffer’s radar (passive interception)
Note, brand monitoring describes preventative activities for brandjacking and domainjacking. This is distinct from listening, measuring and analyzing social media for ROI, strategy or engagement, more accurately defined as Analytics.
Domain Dispute Resolution
Command a working knowledge of the ICANN Dispute Resolution Policy; a domainjacking mandates a rapid response. Refer to the Domainjacking Primer for advise on what to do if you’ve been domainjacked.
Social Media Dispute Resolution
Most social media platforms currently do not publish dispute resolution policies. Brands with trademarks and service marks likely have a case for account termination or transfer. However, at this time, prevention through pre-launch registrations is recommended.
If anyone is poised to successfully launch this new kind of service, it’d be a large ICANN registrar like GoDaddy, or Network Solutions. A smaller registrar might also consider this play as a means of generating properties through large bulk registrations.
Interactive shops or hosting companies could provide brand domaining as a flat pass-through cost to large and small agencies that are stretching interactive resources. I can also conceive of a new SaaS company carving a lucrative niche practice in this space. is a social media agreggator/lifestreaming service that promised to help people with “identity crisis.”
In either case, the should become an Accredited ICANN Registrar capable of registering its own Top Level Domains (TLDs). This would make the registration of domains less expensive so campaigns could acquire massive domain batches.
Domain management is an important part of brand stewardship; I think clients and agencies would appreciate the peace of mind from a partner that made this a painless component of their interactive campaigns.
Having produced scores of integrated interactive campaigns, I have seen unexpected problems arise from improper domain and social media account management.
I want to share my experience and offer advice on domainjacking, a risk that can be particularly detrimental to brands.
What is Domainjacking?
Jump to a section below What is Domainjacking? Types of Domainjacking What Domainjacking Is Not How to Defend Against Domainjacking How to Respond to a DomainjackingDomainjacking* is a bold type of brandjacking where domainjackers co-opt a brand’s identity and goodwill in bad faith at the point of domain registration. Domainjackers aim to steal traffic for personal profit or to smear a brand. They use search engine marketing and organic search results to generate profit in the form of PPC ad revenue and/or sales of similar products and services.
Unlike phishing scams that prey on victims through broadcast spam email, domainjackers build websites using branded domain names. Using SEM/SEO, brandjacked social media profiles, and conceivably through phishing, they drive traffic to their illicit sites.
Consequently, search engines are constantly adjusting their algorythms to avoid driving traffic to illegitimate domains. Social media platforms will need to implement Dispute Resolution Policies as brandjacking becomes more prevalent and as social media becomes more important to brands.
Types of Domainjacking
Here are a few examples of domainjacking, either by malicious parties or brand stewardship incompetence. Some tactics are illegal, some may not have a legal precedence.
Alternate TLD Registrations
Many interactive campaigns only register the most popular top level domains like .com, .org and .net. A domainjacker often sweeps in to buy other TLDs like .info, .biz as well as country code TLDs like .us and .uk.
Similar Names
Domainjackers may register domain misspellings, similar spellings or phrases with the brand name embedded.
Domain Disputes
Small business marketing services companies like web developers, graphic designers and former employees have been known to hijack a domain they registered on behalf of their brand client for nonpayment of services.
“” Gripe Sites
Vindictive and aggrieved customers may register a brandsucks site in order to voice their complaint or publicly trash a brand. In these cases, brand managers have to file official UDRP complaints with ICANN in order to affect site termination or transfer.
Internet strategy consulting firm Fairwinds Partners maintains a list of UDRP brandsucks complaints, their outcomes and ICANN’s decision. Note many complaints did not rule in favor of the brand complainant. (Hat tip to IPKat’s Law Blog for links and opinions in this area.)
Outright Domain Theft
Domainjackers may use a variety of methods to acquire access to a brand’s registrar account. With this information, a domainjacker could transfer ownership or temporarily redirect traffic to an alternate web server.
What Domainjacking Is Not
When trying to define what something is, it’s helpful to define what it is not.
Domaining is a multifaceted multibillion dollar industry involving domain sales, management, brokering, auctions and link generation. One can find successful “domainers” in the “domainersphere” who’ve profited from legitimate domain trading.
Legitimate Domain Ownership
Domainjacking is not the legitimate transfer of domain ownership nor is it the legitimate aquisition of a domain following its term expiration. “Domain squatters” utilize software to grab domains when they expire and brand managers may be forced to bid on those domains in the open marketplace if they cannot demonstrate bad faith on behalf of the new registrant.
Lost Registrar Passwords
In order to prevent domainjacking, registrars have numerous checks in place to verify domain administrators are who they say they are.
Registrar Parking
Registrars can park domains on their own servers for nonpayment.
Phishing Phishing is a malicious type of brandjacking that preys on customers of a brand. This tactic is usually executed via spam email that asks the recipient to click on a bogus link to enter personal account information. The fake landing page often has branded subdomains and a similar visual identity intended to confuse and deceive.
How to Defend Against Domainjacking
To the extent a team can anticipate threats, domainjacking is largely avoidable.
Don’t be cheap
Domain registration is a nominal cost of a campaign, but it can be a significant line item. Be prepared to explain the cost of not properly managing domain registrations in terms of harm to the brand, lost revenues, lost engagement opportunities, legal fees, misplaced resources, etc.
Mark Your Brand
Where appropriate, get a trade or service mark on your brand. This won’t prevent DNS registration, but it will help support registrar domain disuptes and convincing hosting companies to comply with ceast and desist requests.
Perform a Simple Risk Analysis
Start a list of domains ranked by high, moderate and low risk threats of domainjacking. This list would be considerate of the project’s domaining budget, media plan and forecasted impact. Popular brands should register all TLDs appropriate for a campaign. Read my Domain Checklist For Interactive Campaigns when planning & registering domains.
Avoid Social Media Brandjacking
Invest time to register brands with popular social media & micromedia account profiles. Jeremy offers an excellent list of Brands that got Punk’d by Social Media. Follow my Social Media Checklist For Interactive Campaigns as a minimal social media strategy.
Register with a Generic DNS Admin
When registering a domain, use a generic email account like [email protected]. Not only does this help control privacy of domain ownership, but you also remove your dependency on individual staff. When the producer or DNS manager leaves your company, you don’t need to go searching for passwords or log into your registrars to change all the contact. You can simply auto-forward the generic DNS admin accounts to a new account. Take care not to jeapordize security in this handoff.
Manage Domain Passwords
This duty usually falls into the realm of the Interactive Producer, however, online brand stewards should take care to safeguard this content from the risk of threat. Resource managers may also consider assigning all domaining duties to a single Brand Domainer.
Long Registration Periods and Auto-renewals
All registrars allow domain managers to registrar domains for extended periods of time. This can actually help SEO because search engines trust long-term domains more than those nearing expiration. Set accounts to auto-renew domains to prevent unintended expiration. Be sure to keep credit card info up to date with the registrar.
Lock Registrar Accounts
Most registrars now allow account managers to lock the domain accounts to prevent accidental account changes.
Register Your Own Brandsucks Gripe Site
“Sucks” and “stinks” are two common pejoratives in brand bashing. BrandChannel distributes a whitepaper on managing the destructive potential of brandsucks: The Power of Internet Gripe Sites. One notable example is the film theater chain Loews. The registered and use the site as a customer feedback channel with its Guest Satisfaction Survey. Fairwinds Partners maintains a list of 100s of brands that have registered their own brandsucks domain name.
How to Respond to a Domainjacking
If you’ve been domainjacked, you need to mobilize your team and respond swiftly to limit damage to your brand. Here are a list of actions.
Know Your Enemy
Perform a Whois search to determine who registered the domain and where it is hosted. Note, the domainjacker may have made this info private to thwart your effort, but you will be able to determine their registrar and the IP address of the host server.
File a UDPR with the ICANN Registrar
ICANN publishes their Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Reolution Policy or UDPR that is followed by all registrars. Here are considerations that help complainants win a favorable ruling.
Trademark and Service Mark
Demonstrate use of, or demonstrable preparations to use, the domain name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services. Note, weak and nonexistent trademark claims, aka reverse domainjacking, can harm a brand.
Commonly Known
Demonstrate being commonly known by the domain name, even if you never acquired trademark or service mark rights.
Noncommercial Fair Use
Demonstrate how the domainjacking either a) intends to mislead or divert customers, b) tarnishes the trademark or service mark or c) is not a noncommercial or fair use of the domain name.
Even with an airtight claim and amid a customer service crisis, Panix, the oldest ISP in New York, faced crippling battles with MelbourneIT and Verisign when their email traffic got domainjacked.
Lawyerup and Counterpunch
Attorney jokes are to Americans as Aggie jokes are Longhorns, but this is the time you want aggressive legal counsel in the are of Intellectual Property rights and domain management.
Attack on Multiple Fronts Simultaneously
Send Cease and Desist letters to the registrant and to the hosting company. The sites are commonly self-hosted in a foreign country, so be sure to follow the ICANN domain dispute process and contact the hosting company directly.
In my next article, I will share my own own experiences on domainjacking.
Footnotes * I love the English language because we can easily meld words to form new phrases without disrupting transmission. I prefer “domainjacking” over “domain jacking” or “domain-jacking” because a precendent has been set with “carjacking.” (OT: I once got carjacked in Oak Cliff near Dallas; ask me about it sometime.)
And for you SEO and domaining ninjas, I hope you appreciate my not-so-subtle effort to capture some alternative spelling traffic! In case your wondering, and so that I might mention the keyword just one more time, here are some domainjack conjugates (and their current Google results). I’ll spare you the H1 tag wraps 🙂
Domainjack (40) Domainjacks (24) Domainjacking (588) Domainjacker (4) Domainjackers (4) Domainjacked (382) Domainjackgate (1 result YES! I WIN!) I’m claiming this one before the media constructs a scandalous ‘gate’ suffix!
Clients, agencies and interactive production shops can use this checklist when registering brands with social networks & web 2.0 platforms for a specific campaign. This list is helpful for domain planning and for domainjacking avoidance. is a helpful utility that scans social tools to monitor domainjacking. Brand managers may elect to register brands with tools, even if they are not initially used in the campaign. Services like can help with social media aggregation
» Last Modified December 10, 2008 » # of Platforms 93
* = High risk for domainjacking. Register these accounts at minimum for all campaigns. Certain types of campaigns may require accounts on other/all platforms.
Was this post helpful? Have any additions? Don’t agree with my taxonomy? I wanna know. Please talk back & leave a comment!
Clients, agencies and interactive production shops can use this this TLD checklist when registering top level domains for a specific campaign. This list is helpful for domain planning and for domainjacking avoidance.
» Last Modified October 6, 2008 » # of Platforms 81
Generic TLDs
Nearly all campaigns merit registration of all Generic TLDs.
Sponsored TLDs
Registration of these domains is limited to specific conditions.
Commercial, Vanity and Domain Hack ccTLDs
Brands may utilize some of these popular country code TLDs. They may also build domain hacks that combine subdomain and TLDs for clever or shorter domains (i.e.
.ad – advertising
.ag – agriculture
.am – AM radio, audio, podcasts, domain hacks
.be – domain hacks
.cc – carbon copy
.cd – Audio, podcasts, file sharing
.dj – Audio, podcasts, file sharing
.fm – FM radio, audio, podcasts
.gg – social gaming, gambling (gg = good game)
.im – instant messaging, domain hacks
.in – Internet, domain hacks
.it – Internet, domain hacks
.je – “You” in Dutch and “I” in French
.la – Los Angeles, domain hacks
.li – Long Island, domain hacks
.lv – Las Vegas, love
.md – medical doctor
.me – individuals
.ms – Microsoft projects
.mu – music, audio
.nu – “New” in English, “Now” in Dutch
.sc – source
.st – street
.to – Toronto, domain hacks
.tv – broadcast, entertainment, online video
.ws – website
.vu – “View” in English, online video
.vg – video games, advertainment
A couple years ago I took a 10-month leadership course on small group facilitation to learn about how new groups form and achieve sustainability. The lessons were geared for physical offline groups, but my experience as an online group facilitator, including one of the largest social networks on Ning, convinces me that offline group models remain intact in the realm of social media as well. Web communities are comprised of real people, so we can expect basic human behavior patterns to permeate regardless of the medium in which they communicate.
In 1965, Bruce Tuckman proposed a model of group dynamics popularly known as Forming, Storming, Norming & Performing. In a nutshell, Tuckman’s model encompasses several distinct stages, beginning from a group’s creation through its maturation and ultimate evolution or extinction.
Online community managers will find that Tuckman’s work is still relevant today. These same stages of creation and growth are evident within all types of social media. If you moderate blog comments, forum posts, product reviews, news feedback, podcast networks or participate in social gaming or virtual worlds, Tuckman’s model should be of interest to you. This is especially useful if you want insight into how your community can achieve sustainability.
The Lifecycle of Online Communities
Let’s look at each stage in sequence and consider how Tuckman’s model applies to today’s online groups. As you read the descriptions, try to identify within which stage your online community currently exists. Is your community flourishing? Do you need to shift your community toward a later stage? Or retreat to an earlier one?
In the early stages of group development, individuals rally behind a leader or core steering committee under a banner of broad challenge or opportunity. Enthusiasm is high, friendships form easily and people begin working on tasks. Everyone tends to be on their best behavior, but founding members operate independently with sense of autonomy and tend to be self-focused.
Successful groups leaders claim a position of authority by virtue of their experience, maturity, availability or simply because they are the ones laying the ground rules. Leaders frame guidelines on how the group will function and how its members will interrelate. This may be expressly written or socially implied through mission statements, codes of conduct and “leading by example.” Sharing the principles of group dynamics among group leaders and moderators can be very helpful in preparing people to encounter situations. (wink wink nudge nudge: share this article with your social media managers…)
In the Forming stage, group leaders should also watch for early emerging leaders. When I instructed ROTC cadets in various drill camps and leadership schools, we closely observed individuals in order to fill positions as squad leaders and flight commanders within the first few hours of training. Extroverts tend to rise because they naturally make themselves known to others, but introverts are just as capable of leading if they are prompted or invited to do so.
Reflection: Online Community Formation You probably have a good idea about how you’d like to steer the early stages of your web community. Read these questions to see if you’re on track and where you might adjust.
Stage 2: Storming
Ideas and Personalities Compete to Be Heard
Every group encounters a period of identity & self awareness, where members debate essential objectives and problems and how they should behave individually and within groups. This is also a stage where leadership authority, knowledge, style and capability is most apt to be judged as either appropriate or unsatisfactory.
Groups can pass quickly through this stage or they can collapse for a number of reasons. If a leader abdicates their early role as guide, role model and referee, then stronger personalities are poised to set the behavioral tone. If purpose and objectives are muddled, then people will argue or undermine others to prove that their ideas are superior. “Good” people that were initially motivated, engaged and participating will leave the group.
Another common community “soul killer” is the mouthy member that cannot help themselves from yapping. You know these people. They speak too often, for too long, and usually about issues that are irrelevant and self-serving. They overemphasize the minutia and obfuscate meaningful issues. They can make others uncomfortable by being too personal or act insensitively to others. They are not invited to speak by others, rather they tend to chime in on everything to imply deep personal wisdom, even if they just want to point out that they have no opinion on the matter. They moan, whine and grind their opponents. At the same time, these people can be overly welcoming and kind to new group members in an effort to win them to their side. Their immaturity is so evident, one is surprised to learn they aren’t a teenager (perhaps they are in netiquette terms).
If group leaders do not want to lose control of their group at such a critical stage, they need to act decisively to stifling, filibustering and flame wars. A good community manager brings a big bag of tricks with tactics in nuance, creativity, subtly and force. Like a good parent, group facilitators need to be ready to discipline, lead and teach. By applying a little parental love to your community, you can present an example of nurturing behavior amid disagreement and discord and move quickly past an otherwise painful growth spurt.
Reflection: Online Community Growth As your community vision extends to others, you inherently sacrifice messaging control. Learn from the mistakes of others, and look at the many brands handling this change successfully. Read these questions to help articulate new and persistent problems and suggest possible actions you can take.
Stage 3: Norming
Purpose, Cliques & Team Habits Form Groups that reach the Norming stage enjoy clarity about their goals and objectives. That clarity helps to draw its members into service of the group, so harsh infighting and sabotage tends to fall away before this stage.
Individuals promote themselves less, unless the group’s objective involves self-promotion like business networks, alliances and chambers of commerce. Even then, members support each other through introductions into spheres of influence beyond the group.
Members in this phase naturally attach to sub-groups of similar interests and tasks. Teamwork is stronger within sub-groups and sub-groups work more seamlessly with each other. Trust is built as people get to know each other and as the group accomplishes objectives. Collaboration is built through agreement on rules and the sharing of methods and tools.
Groupthink is a hazardous risk in the Norming stage, where new ideas and creativity are stifled in favor of process and status quo. Community leaders need to caution against group denial and echo chambers by recognizing their symptoms. They can avoid groupthink by remaining neutral and inviting fresh POVs when appropriate.
Hierarchy tends to flatten out during Norming compared to earlier stages. With a clear mission, collaboration and interpersonal issues worked out, leaders are able to assume more production tasks. Conversely, team leads may be established with more authority and control passed down and shared from Forming and Storming managers.
Reflection: Habit & Tone in Your Online Community As your community matures, you will recognize healthy attachment among its members. Your community may operate fine in this stage with minor maintenance and attention. Or you might want to tighten cooperation and press for higher performance. Reflect on your community to see where it is healthy and where it needs attention.
Stage 4: Performing
Teamwork & Efficiency Prevail
A few groups will achieve the Performing stage where everyone seems to be firing on all pistons. Milestones are accomplished and objectives are routinely met. Experience is high, so communities become a rich knowledge base.
Teams become interdependent and work together fluidly without the drama borne from unnecessary conflict. Dissent does exist as long as it is channeled in a manner that is acceptable to the group. Supervision is minimal as people are held accountable to each other. Decision-making resembles more of a populist democracy than a dictatorship or republic. Community leaders tend to be highly participative.
High performing teams may face circumstances that thrust themselves back to early stages. For example, the void left when early leaders leave a community can trigger a new Storming phase. I’m also reminded of the downtime caused by an explosion in the Planet’s H1 data center in Houston, an experience that sent its support forums into overdrive. Communities can experience these cycles of life over and over.
Browse the Big Boards to get a sense of what some of the largest communities on the web are doing. This is an outstanding resource for guerrilla social marketing.
Reflection: Sustaining High Performance Congratulations if your community has achieved a level of high performance. Take some time to think about how you can keep it going.
Post Mortem: Transforming and Mourning
Dealing with Change and Coping with Demise
Online communities are like living organisms that either adapt to internal and external changes or they will die. Think back to the big events in your life and they were almost always precipitated by change. Leaving home, starting school, starting a career, leaving a job, getting married and having kids all involve a death of sorts. One ceases to act or exist in one way when they change in another way. The same kind of death and renewal applies to groups.
I have seen leaders “kill” online communities and the reaction is not unlike real-world death. Feelings may not be as severe as losing a loved one, but members do experience a sense of loss like seeing your favorite TV show get canceled or saying goodbye to a friend that move’s away. This experience in virtual communities is not surprising considering the personal investment and real formation of human bonds.
Brand managers should consider this effect when transitioning campaigns or taking down social microsites at the end of a media flight (aka End of Life or EOL). If maintenance costs are truly inhibitive to effective ongoing community support, then the community should probably be taken offline. A diseased community can actually be harmful to a brand.
On the other hand, if long-tail benefits are evident and the group is operating at a strong Norming or weak Performing stage, the community may merit a plan for transition and ongoing maintenance, even if it only provides minimal support.
If you decide to maintain a community because participation and impressions justify the cost, then turn to your vendor partners for help in this transition. Good providers like Mango Mobile plan for EOL at the beginning of a campaigns. They are very flexible in either extending maintenance agreements or handing all assets back to the client for perpetual hosting. Another example is Blockdot in the advergaming space. They continue to support several widgets, social gaming and community applications well beyond the original EOL campaign schedule.
The life and energy of a social network benefits from early planning in the Online Community Lifecycle. Likewise, it benefits from planning at the end of life. Leaders can use Transforming and Mourning stages as an opportunity to publicly praise the group’s accomplishments. Individuals can be recognized, relationships can be acknowledged and achievements can be praised. People celebrate the birth of children and they gather to celebrate the life of those departed in death. The same kind of celebration can be introduced to the life and achievements of an online community.
Reflection: Changes and Death of an Online Community Your community may be on the verge of temporary or permanent transition. Consider these issues to decide if you should change or pull the plug.
Final Thoughts
Community Managers that want to work on their community, and less time in it should study Tuckman’s model of group dynamics in the context of an Online Community Lifecycle. Just as a sapling needs light, nutrients, water and fresh soil, an online community can be groomed for healthy sustainable growth.