Self Technology

Open Letter to a Hurting WordPress Community

There isn’t a person among us that hasn’t been touched by the trauma of divorce.

The WordPress community is suffering a severe separation.

I’m not referring to the fight between “daddy and mommy” as others describe Automattic and WP Engine, rather the procreative and unitive aspects of visionaries and integrators.

The visionaries are the product and service leaders among us that express bold horizon goals for the open source project. They have big ideas about the power of WordPress and the kinds of problems it can solve.

The integrators are the creative and technical contributors that map out the pitfalls and milestones to reach the horizon goals expressed by the visionaries.

Like matrimony, the give and take between a visionary and an integrator is necessary to bring our best ideas to life. Neither can effectively succeed without the other. Both need each other to navigate the perilous forest on their way to the mountain summit.

As with any sacrificial love, the glimmer in a visionary’s eye needs articulation just as the integrator’s mission needs a destiny.

The relationship between visionaries and integrators is an independent third entity that is paramount and set apart.

We know this is true because it is only through the relationship that either is capable of bearing fruit.

The relationship is a living embodiment of sacrifice and potential. It belongs to neither partner alone because both are contributors and both grieve a painful loss when it terminates.

The WordPress marriage of visionaries and integrators has nurtured incredible achievements for 21 years, a remarkable hallmark in software longevity.

Before the rise of social media, WordPress gave nontechnical people a freedom of expression and discovery. It advanced the written word, and has helped ease the human toil of curation and sense-making.

The WordPress community has signaled signs of our rocky relationship since adolescence, yet we are ill-prepared walking through the shadow of the valley of disillusionment.

  • WordPress market penetration has stalled in the face of competing frameworks and lucrative closed systems like Shopify.
  • Top-down locked-in alternatives like Adobe and Sitecore continue to proliferate in the face of weak evangelization of enterprise WordPress to bring about simplicity, ownership, flexibility, the freedom to empower workers and ease toil at scale.
  • We’ve failed to bring economic and technical commercial buyers together on a common platform in service to their strategic goals.
  • We’ve fragmented editorial & developer experiences.
  • We’re masking the cracks of aging in a web component substructure while the market addresses commercial needs faster and better via modern frameworks.

Through the #wpdrama separation we ask ourselves, “Why is this happening? Why now? How did we get here?”

In our duress, we lose sight of where we are going. We look inward and blame our community.

We argue about attribution without an agreed standard (distasteful) and we speak past each other claiming overt and covert contribution without acknowledging the other (disrespectful).

The sudden exile of strong community members is a sign of death decay. So is our regression to tribalism in search of safety and stability.

We are bogged down with bad ideas and moving goal posts. Our disappointments turn into passive aggressive pettiness, anger, and then resentment. Contempt sets in with a fury, the marital death knell.

Everyone is feeling unseen and unheard, starving two of the deepest longings of every human heart.

As empty nesters in a struggling marriage must rediscover their delight in the other, the visionaries and integrators must rejoin. We need connective tissue to heal and bring new life to WordPress. Should those among us who’ve been cast aside choose to reconcile, our new path forward is through acts of contrition and penance, sincere apologies, grace, and forgiveness.

All contributors to WordPress deserve to be seen and heard. We should everyone back into the fold and celebrate their accomplishments. The tyranny of takeovers and ban hammers must be lifted, and us-vs-them language must be discarded.

Each side needs time and space to examine their conscience and be forthright about their hopes and fears, wants, and needs. Our new paradigm must addresses the serious problems of discipline, accountability, codependency, and healthy boundaries.

Individuals are reeling from lost connections with their community, their employer, a great product, a cause, and hope.

As with any war, the innocent suffer. Individual people in the WordPress community are nursing a deeper wound… The sudden and severe detachment of their personal identity to the the bold promises of open source.

Like many children of divorce, the medicinal effects of time are not sufficient because the loss is irreparable and permanent. Those who are suffering must learn to properly grieve these losses in order to restore their health.

I raise this final point because I see a confusion between self and society among some of the most outspoken among us.

Individual people who’ve dedicated time, talent, and treasure are naturally afraid. They are lamenting past choices and their future livelihood. The incessant infighting is causing long-term injury, and sense-making is nearly impossible wondering alone in the din.

Identifying one’s self with any vision or mission animates our passions and is the natural wellspring of all the good we’ve created! However, when taken to the extreme, we lose our sense of place.

Disorientation is a tragic mistake of boundary confusion by the individual person and needs to be reset to a healthy condition.

Altitude is the antidote to fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD).

It’s okay, actually optimal, to step back and reflect on where you stand personally, what lights your flame, and what you have to offer.

Until the dust settles, be sure you are taking the time to properly discern bigger questions about your own heading. What do you want? Where do you want to go?

Take care to not neglect the basics of healthy detachment! Eat well, drink water, go outside, call old friends, listen to podcasts and nostalgic music, learn something new, and practice self compassion.

Get back to your roots and why you were made. Your worth comes from who you are, not what you do.

Feature image is from Julia Eagle on Unsplash


USMC Leadership for Community Managers

How the Marines Can Help Your Online Community

As a member of the Sam Houston Rifles, we had to memorize and practice the 11 Leadership Principles and 14 Leadership Traits taught by the United States Marine Corps. These principles and traits merit occasional reflection by business & online community leaders.

The Center for Leadership Studies at the USAF Air War College posts a brief analysis of these virtues and offers suggestions for personal development and team improvement in each area.
null 11 Leadership Principles of the USMC
null 14 Leadership Traits of the USMC

The 11 Leadership Principles

  • Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
  • Be technically and tactically proficient.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.
  • Make sound and timely decisions.
  • Set the example.
  • Know your Marines and look out for their welfare.
  • Keep your Marines informed.
  • Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
  • Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
  • Train your Marines as a team.
  • Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities.

The 14 Leadership Traits

The acronym JJDIDTIEBUCKLE helped us memorize the 14 Leadership Traits.

  • Judgement The ability to weigh facts and possible solutions on which to base sound decisions.
  • Justice Giving reward and punishment according to merits of the case in question. The ability to administer a system of rewards and punishments impartially and consistently.
  • Dependability The certainty of proper performance of duty.
  • Integrity Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles; includes the qualities of truthfulness and honesty.
  • Decisiveness Ability to make decisions promptly and to announce them in clear, forceful manner.
  • Tact The ability to deal with others without creating offense.
  • Initiative Taking action in the absence of orders.
  • Endurance The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress and hardship.
  • Bearing Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance and personal conduct at all times.
  • Unselfishness Avoidance of providing for one’s own comfort and personal advancement at the expense of others.
  • Courage The mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a man to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness.
  • Knowledge Understanding of a science or an art. The range of one’s information, including professional knowledge and an understanding of your Marines.
  • Loyalty The quality of faithfulness to country, the Corps, the unit, to one’s seniors, subordinates and peers.
  • Enthusiasm The display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty.

Where can you improve? How can you apply these skills to your online community?

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The Benefits of Your Stagnant Forum

Online Communities Are Rich Opportunities for Brand Managers

Has your online community become stagnant? Are you struggling with “resource poverty?” Perhaps you don’t have the capital to upgrade your forum software. Or your mods are burned out wasting their time fighting spam, breaking up flame wars and banning trolls for a dwindling group of participants.

101 Ways to Destroy Your Tribe
Ed Welch’s PDF on Seth Godin’s blog shows CEOs, bloggers and site managers how to wreck their brand’s base support by not properly supporting communities.

Some forums should be closed. But before you decide to eliminate your online community, reconsider its benefits, even if it is struggling. Reinvestment may be justified.

  • Forum Participants Are Personally Invested
    People freely give their time to participate here. Knowledge is shared, there is a sense of community and authentic friendships are formed. Removing this data wipes out that collective investment.
    People will be pissed when their investment is cavalierly wiped out. If you are determined to close your forums, at least make them read-only.
  • Deleting Forums Weakens Communities.
    You may notice that parts of your community swarm to new platforms like Twitter, Plurk, Ning etc. You will always have early adapters that dabble in new platforms, but chances are, you have regular participants + lurkers in stagnant forums.
    We decided to take down the SQPN forums when they got overrun spam and one bad apple troll because the volunteer mods didn’t have enough time to deal with them. A few people migrated to other related communities, but the vast majority of members just went *poof*. In hindsight, we should have made those forums read-only until we had the chance to properly devote resources to them.
  • Deleting Forums Alters Culture.
    Building a new community is much more volatile than maintaining one. Salvaging a stagnant community with a safe inviting culture preserves the voice and culture. Creating a new community risks losing a notable asset. Read more about this group dynamic in the Online Community Lifecycle.
  • UGC Is Gold.
    Companies are knocking themselves out to encourage user generated content. Even a stagnant community has nurtured a rich garden of UGC goodness. The personal investment of individuals strengthens bonds among like-minded people and presents opportunities for promotion, search marketing and higher advertising revenue.
  • SEO Opportunities
    Your current forum content could easily translate to 100,000s of pages indexed by Google and other search engines. Every page, every keyword, every phrase, every misspelling, every link represents a long-tail opportunity to optimize free organic search results. SEO from your forums is a powerful way to attract more visitors.
  • Lurker Conversions
    Forrester Research has found that 80% of community members are lurkers. Most new members are naturally reserved. They want to discern the benefits of a community before they commit themselves. Once they become active participants, your brand gathers more free UGC.
    Some community managers force registration to fight spam and keep trolls at bay. However, this policy misses tremendous SEO benefits. If this is your policy, you can assume that a large swath of fresh participants are dissuaded from ever participating.
  • Donation Opportunities
    If your website accepts donations, there is almost certainly a direct correlation between unique site visitors and contributions. All of your forum pages serve both as point of new visitor attraction (SEO) and a point of donation awareness.
  • Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities.
    Each forum page represents an impression for which advertisers are willing to pay. This is a lucrative revenue opportunity that can cover the cost of forums. People will tolerate tasteful ads in forums if they know it supports the community and your brand.
  • A Fresh Start
    Resetting your forum is a good time to strengthen your moderator team and help alleviate their workload. A new forum is also a good reason to reach out to lapsed members to invite them back.

Today’s forum software has smarter ways to fight spam, can handle massive traffic loads & integrate advertising. You can almost certainly find a flexible, stable solution that allows you to migrate data from your current forum and preserve all of the rich conversations and connections of your community.

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How to Strengthen Your Online Community

This exercise is for Social & Community Managers seeking to start, build and grow their online communities.

Be sure to read the Online Community Lifecycle first!

Stage 1: Forming

Reflection: Online Community Formation
Group Dynamics: Forming

You probably have a good idea about how you’d like to steer the early stages of your web community. Ponder these questions to see if you’re on track and where you might adjust.

What is the goal of your group expressed in a single sentence? What objectives serve that goal?

Have you defined how your community will operate? Have you published forum rules or comment guidelines? Do you have a privacy policy? Do you have a plan for dealing with spam, trolls and other abusive elements?

Will you allow members to self-promote in early stages? Will your leaders and mods be able to distinguish between natural self-promotion and spam posts?

What attributes reveal your management style? Approachable? Hands off?

Which best describes your approach in forming your group?
    » Ready. Aim. Fire.
    » Ready. Fire. Aim.
    » Ready. Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim.

Who do you know that counterbalances your style and approach? How can they help?

Are you participating in your community? What are you doing to foster group participation? What are you doing that inhibits participation?

Who is emerging as a potential leader in your community? Are there any brand evangelists? Consistent contributors? Natural mediators? Do they get along well with others?

Stage 2: Storming

Reflection: Online Community Growth
Group Dynamics: Storming

As your community vision extends to others, you inherently sacrifice messaging control. Learn from the mistakes of others, and look at the many brands handling this change successfully. Read these questions to help articulate new and persistent problems and suggest possible actions you can take.

Do new ideas serve the group’s goal? Do these ideas need to be abandoned? Or should they be drafted within a new set of objectives?

How do you welcome new members to your community? What would a new member experience when they join your group?

Do you have infighting among members of your group? Is it healthy debate or destructive bomb-throwing?

Do you have a Troll Watch List? How will you deal with troublemakers? Which is an appropriate course of action: a public rebuke? A gentle reminder of the rules? Or do you cut to the bone and ban them from the community?

Do you have arguments spilling over from other communities on the Internet? Can you find resolution from past history? Do you accept personality clashes as inevitable?

Do “know-it-alls” squash discussion? Are they truly knowledgeable, but lack interpersonal soft skills? Can you help them add value without pissing everyone off? Or are they just jerks? Can you call in support from senior members to chastise, clarify, defend or attack?

How do you oversee member contributions? Are avatars offensive? Are you overrun with spam or offensive material? Do you invite self-policing or do you have a team of responders actively patrolling for issues or both? Do you have clear path to moderators so members can notify you of problems? Are you aware of technologies that can help you control unwanted and malicious material?

Do you have strong diplomats that value peacekeeping over healthy debate and disagreement? Are they allowing an argument enough time to play itself out? Do they send fighters to their corners too quickly?

How is your leadership personality? Can you be a bit overbearing or needy at times? Too timid? How do you respond to the ideas of others? Do you have a “brain trust” that can give you honest feedback of your performance?

Stage 3: Norming

Reflection: Habit & Tone in Your Online Community
Group Dynamics: Norming

As your community matures, you will recognize healthy attachment among its members. Your community may operate fine in this stage with minor maintenance and attention. Or you might want to tighten cooperation and press for higher performance.

What is your group’s current dynamic? Is it collaborative? Combative? Active or passive?

Can you identify sub-groups within your community? Which are good, bad or ambiguous to your goals & objectives?

Do you have any individuals that tend to cut across cliques or rise above the fray? Might they become leaders, moderators or brand evangelists for you?

What tools and methods can every member hook into? What areas need stronger collaboration?

What good habits does your group have? How can you foster them?

What bad habits does your group have? What actions or lack of action leads to those habits? What attitudes, beliefs and past “baggage” contribute to those ongoing actions?

What ideas and practices are deeply ingrained in your community? Do they really serve the purpose? Can you identify any that are harmful or inhibit performance? Are you part of the echo chamber or do you have enough distance to recognize it?

Are you transitioning from a role of director to a role of working supervisor? Are others assuming roles of leadership?

Do you need to return to a new Forming or Storming stage to shake up your community? Who can you recruit to help?

Stage 4: Performing

Reflection: Sustaining High Performance
Group Dynamics: Performing

Congratulations if your community has achieved a level of high performance. Take some time to think about how you can keep it going.

Is your community financially solvent? Is it monetized via ad revenue or paid content?

Is your software keeping pace with your level of community activity?

Which social networks target your membership demographic or psychographic? Where else do your members hang out? Can you forge mutually beneficial partnerships?

Can use social media networks and user generated content platforms to expand services to existing members? Can you use these tools to boost membership?

Can you leverage Ning’s “viral expansion loop” to accelerate growth?

What tactics do you see working in other high performing communities?

Post Mortem: Transforming and Mourning

Reflection: Changes and Death of an Online Community
Your community may be on the verge of temporary or permanent transition. Consider these issues to decide if you should embrace change or pull the plug.

Has your group achieved its goal? Are people wondering “what’s next?”

Have key influencers or core leaders left the group?

Are you facing burnout? Do you have time to continue leading?

Are you stuck in a perpetual Storming stage? Would it make sense to transition back to Forming or press on to Norming?

Who could potentially take over community management? Is there a stand-out leader or sub-group?

Is your advertising campaign approaching EOL? Is the community still flourishing? Do long-tail benefits justify continued community support, even without actively promoting it?

How can your community celebrate its accomplishments? Who deserves acknowledgment?

Final Thoughts

Community Managers that want to work on their community, and less time in it should study Tuckman’s model of group dynamics in the context of a Social Community Lifecycle.

Advertising Social Media

Most Companies Avoid Social Media (for now…)

IT Consulting company Avanade recently polled 541 global top executives and discovered that the majority do not have a formal plan for adopting social media. This finding comes despite proven company benefits, so we can expect a few more years of wailing and gnashing teeth as evangelists from all social media denominations fight for adoption.

Here is my POV on why companies are slow to move in the social space despite the benefits. I offer a suggestion to curious company managers as well: start a simple “Social Media Lab” to explore tools and best practices.

Before asking why companies avoid social media, let’s consider a brief primer on why they should.

How can companies benefit from social media?

Thousands of blogs are devoted to this simple question. Here are a few reasons.

The Benefits of Social Media

Attracting and retaining customers, and growing customer relationships, have always been top priorities for business. But in a globalized economy it is more critical – and challenging – than ever to build vibrant customer relationships across geographies, industries and at all levels throughout organizations. Social media technologies have the potential to transform the way companies build and manage relationships with their customers. Avanade

Better Service
Customers appreciate multiple channels of communication. By making themselves more approachable and accountable in the marketplace, companies earn the trust of new and existing customers. This can translate to a culture of listening, testimonials, good PR and higher sales.

Better Support
Public support empowers customers to resolve problems quickly and independently.
Companies like SWsoft experience tremendous growth because they introduce their customers to each other for mutual technical support. The company keeps close tabs on rising issues in their Plesk product and refines their development roadmap for new features requested by customers. SWsoft needn’t be concerned with public criticism because they have an opportunity to openly demonstrate their commitment to service. They also enjoy quick and thorough defense from evangelists. Peer reviews are very powerful for growth.

Higher Sales
Trust and accountability earned in service and support broadens a company’s target. In addition, social media can elevate service for preferred customers. For example, Dell Premier Pages helps large customers handle procurement and support, but social media introduces opportunities for lead gen, sales assistance and higher per-sale closings.

Stronger Vendor Relations
Opening lines of communication and collaboration among vendor networks increases efficiency and cuts costs. This applies to everything from fulfillment to billing and encompasses breaking news, emergencies and feedback.

Internal Collaboration
For years, companies have benefited from intranet communications: news engines, wikis, document sharing, learning management systems, trouble ticketing, etc. Social media like message boards, blogs, commenting, online ideation, social chat and UGC sharing are part of a natural evolution toward group cohesion.

According to the Avanade study, among the companies that are early adopters of social media, two thirds have experienced improved customer satisfaction. 64% report an improved reputation in the marketplace. Most reported that social media is inevitable, and 2 in 5 companies can directly associated an increase in sales with a move to using new forms of media. So, the study begs the question…

Why are companies avoiding social media?

The Avanade study cited common reasons around fear and apathy for a lack of social media integration. Company executives worry that social media will cut employee productivity. They worry about security and reliability on unproven technologies. Social media advocates claim executives don’t understand the potential of social media on customers or employees.

My experience is that social media reticence within advertising stems from three key areas.

The Timing Is Premature
We have witnessed similar hesitation in nearly every iteration of online media. Indeed, the technology adoption lifecycle paints a clear bell curve between innovative early adopters and laggards. I remember a similar argument among small businesses on why they should even publish web sites. Today, it seems, the examples of good uses of social media are coming from small businesses seeking to distinguish themselves as nimble and responsive to large competitors. It is simply a matter of time until early social media success parlays into broader adoption.

Advertising Reactionaries vs Progressives
There exists within advertising two philosophical camps: Reactionaries that cling to traditional media and progressives that tout the bleeding edge of new media. Reactionaries tend to live in the upper echelons of account, creative and media departments. Progressives are younger up-and-comers across agency ranks and most have had high-speed Internet access their entire adult lives. Reactionaries read printed versions of Advertising Age and progressives watch daily Ad Age vidcasts. A cycle of conflict ensues: progressives respond to reactionary skepticism by pushing the latest interactive trends (even if inappropriate) and reactionaries respond to the idealism of progressives by not supporting cool projects (even if appropriate). Internal strife abounds before and after work is presented to the client.

Marketing vs IT
There exists within companies a natural push-pull between Marketing and IT groups, especially around web site management. In the realm of interactive advertising, Marketing is drawn to new methods of reaching audiences despite unproven technologies, high costs and lack of resources. IT resists high implementation costs and distractions from principal duties in security, uptime and data management despite the potential benefits of a well executed campaign.

How can companies explore social media?

Nobody wants to risk undo harm to their brand. Therefore, competing groups tend to look to the market to guide their next steps. Social media tools are so new that virtually everyone waits to see which tools, platforms and best practices bubble up to mainstream. The market naturally gravitates toward proven success.

Taking a page from the Google Labs playbook, I suggest that curious companies create their own “Social Media Lab” that explores the social space. Competing groups can build a social web strategy by sharing their perspectives on risks and opportunities and performing light experiments.

Both Marketing and IT groups have individuals that tinker on the edge of new media. Marketing has people that are always entertaining new methods of reaching untapped audiences. IT has people that apply their their own sense of creativity to new technologies and platforms. Putting these people together with an expressed common goal can yield fascinating results.

While working at Power Computing, a very successful Macintosh-clone company, we experimented with several tools in the mid 1990s that precipitated the rise of social media. We devoted resources to extranet development so internal staff and partners could collaborate. We monitored public forums and listservs closely in order to engage the public directly, announce news and respond to emergencies. We eventually shared our internal support knowledge base with the public, a tool that became the basis of Apple’s online support. Each of these activities contributed to the public perception of Power Computing as young, edgy and well-intentioned, giving the company a competitive boost.

Forrester Analyst Jeremiah Owyang describes the evolution of brands on Twitter. His web strategy offers insight into any social medium the Lab wants to explore. He advocates a crawl-walk-run approach for brands curious about social media.

A Social Media Lab does not need to be a distraction. With a little concerted knowledge sharing and a playful approach to social media, companies can harness energy and interest amid small teams to realize potential for the entire company.


Web Pro News ArticleMajority of Companies Avoiding Social Media,” Sep 8, 2008

Coleman Parkes Research, author of the survey, “CRM and Social Media: Creating Deeper Customer Relationships.” See also: “Web Content Development and Management,” a white paper on the tension between Marketing and IT.

Avanade Press ReleaseMost Companies Avoid Integrating Social Media Despite Evidence of Benefits,” Sep 8, 2008

Avanade CRM & Social Media Reports from the Avanade Advisor.

Avanade Thought Leadership Series of webinars, podcasts and white papers on commercial use of social media and digital collaboration.

Although Social Media Will Normalize, Dedicated Roles and Direction Are Still Needed Forrester Analyst Jeremiah Owyang foresees natural dedicated roles as corporations define business goals and put budgets and resources towards social media.

Advertising Project Management Social Media

The Online Community Lifecycle

Group Dynamics 101 for Online Community Managers

Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing

A couple years ago I took a 10-month leadership course on small group facilitation to learn about how new groups form and achieve sustainability. The lessons were geared for physical offline groups, but my experience as an online group facilitator, including one of the largest social networks on Ning, convinces me that offline group models remain intact in the realm of social media as well. Web communities are comprised of real people, so we can expect basic human behavior patterns to permeate regardless of the medium in which they communicate.

The Online Community Lifecycle

In 1965, Bruce Tuckman proposed a model of group dynamics popularly known as Forming, Storming, Norming & Performing. In a nutshell, Tuckman’s model encompasses several distinct stages, beginning from a group’s creation through its maturation and ultimate evolution or extinction.

Online community managers will find that Tuckman’s work is still relevant today. These same stages of creation and growth are evident within all types of social media. If you moderate blog comments, forum posts, product reviews, news feedback, podcast networks or participate in social gaming or virtual worlds, Tuckman’s model should be of interest to you. This is especially useful if you want insight into how your community can achieve sustainability.

The Lifecycle of Online Communities

Let’s look at each stage in sequence and consider how Tuckman’s model applies to today’s online groups. As you read the descriptions, try to identify within which stage your online community currently exists. Is your community flourishing? Do you need to shift your community toward a later stage? Or retreat to an earlier one?

Update: I posted a series of reflection questions for each stage of the lifecycle.

Stage 1: Forming

The Group Is Born

In the early stages of group development, individuals rally behind a leader or core steering committee under a banner of broad challenge or opportunity. Enthusiasm is high, friendships form easily and people begin working on tasks. Everyone tends to be on their best behavior, but founding members operate independently with sense of autonomy and tend to be self-focused.

Group Dynamics: FormingSuccessful groups leaders claim a position of authority by virtue of their experience, maturity, availability or simply because they are the ones laying the ground rules. Leaders frame guidelines on how the group will function and how its members will interrelate. This may be expressly written or socially implied through mission statements, codes of conduct and “leading by example.” Sharing the principles of group dynamics among group leaders and moderators can be very helpful in preparing people to encounter situations. (wink wink nudge nudge: share this article with your social media managers…)

In the Forming stage, group leaders should also watch for early emerging leaders. When I instructed ROTC cadets in various drill camps and leadership schools, we closely observed individuals in order to fill positions as squad leaders and flight commanders within the first few hours of training. Extroverts tend to rise because they naturally make themselves known to others, but introverts are just as capable of leading if they are prompted or invited to do so.

Reflection: Online Community Formation
You probably have a good idea about how you’d like to steer the early stages of your web community. Read these questions to see if you’re on track and where you might adjust.

Stage 2: Storming

Ideas and Personalities Compete to Be Heard

Every group encounters a period of identity & self awareness, where members debate essential objectives and problems and how they should behave individually and within groups. This is also a stage where leadership authority, knowledge, style and capability is most apt to be judged as either appropriate or unsatisfactory.

Group Dynamics: StormingGroups can pass quickly through this stage or they can collapse for a number of reasons. If a leader abdicates their early role as guide, role model and referee, then stronger personalities are poised to set the behavioral tone. If purpose and objectives are muddled, then people will argue or undermine others to prove that their ideas are superior. “Good” people that were initially motivated, engaged and participating will leave the group.

Another common community “soul killer” is the mouthy member that cannot help themselves from yapping. You know these people. They speak too often, for too long, and usually about issues that are irrelevant and self-serving. They overemphasize the minutia and obfuscate meaningful issues. They can make others uncomfortable by being too personal or act insensitively to others. They are not invited to speak by others, rather they tend to chime in on everything to imply deep personal wisdom, even if they just want to point out that they have no opinion on the matter. They moan, whine and grind their opponents. At the same time, these people can be overly welcoming and kind to new group members in an effort to win them to their side. Their immaturity is so evident, one is surprised to learn they aren’t a teenager (perhaps they are in netiquette terms).

If group leaders do not want to lose control of their group at such a critical stage, they need to act decisively to stifling, filibustering and flame wars. A good community manager brings a big bag of tricks with tactics in nuance, creativity, subtly and force. Like a good parent, group facilitators need to be ready to discipline, lead and teach. By applying a little parental love to your community, you can present an example of nurturing behavior amid disagreement and discord and move quickly past an otherwise painful growth spurt.

Reflection: Online Community Growth
As your community vision extends to others, you inherently sacrifice messaging control. Learn from the mistakes of others, and look at the many brands handling this change successfully. Read these questions to help articulate new and persistent problems and suggest possible actions you can take.

Stage 3: Norming

Purpose, Cliques & Team Habits Form
Groups that reach the Norming stage enjoy clarity about their goals and objectives. That clarity helps to draw its members into service of the group, so harsh infighting and sabotage tends to fall away before this stage.

Group Dynamics: NormingIndividuals promote themselves less, unless the group’s objective involves self-promotion like business networks, alliances and chambers of commerce. Even then, members support each other through introductions into spheres of influence beyond the group.

Members in this phase naturally attach to sub-groups of similar interests and tasks. Teamwork is stronger within sub-groups and sub-groups work more seamlessly with each other. Trust is built as people get to know each other and as the group accomplishes objectives. Collaboration is built through agreement on rules and the sharing of methods and tools.

Groupthink is a hazardous risk in the Norming stage, where new ideas and creativity are stifled in favor of process and status quo. Community leaders need to caution against group denial and echo chambers by recognizing their symptoms. They can avoid groupthink by remaining neutral and inviting fresh POVs when appropriate.

Hierarchy tends to flatten out during Norming compared to earlier stages. With a clear mission, collaboration and interpersonal issues worked out, leaders are able to assume more production tasks. Conversely, team leads may be established with more authority and control passed down and shared from Forming and Storming managers.

Reflection: Habit & Tone in Your Online Community
As your community matures, you will recognize healthy attachment among its members. Your community may operate fine in this stage with minor maintenance and attention. Or you might want to tighten cooperation and press for higher performance. Reflect on your community to see where it is healthy and where it needs attention.

Stage 4: Performing

Teamwork & Efficiency Prevail

A few groups will achieve the Performing stage where everyone seems to be firing on all pistons. Milestones are accomplished and objectives are routinely met. Experience is high, so communities become a rich knowledge base.

Group Dynamics: PerformingTeams become interdependent and work together fluidly without the drama borne from unnecessary conflict. Dissent does exist as long as it is channeled in a manner that is acceptable to the group. Supervision is minimal as people are held accountable to each other. Decision-making resembles more of a populist democracy than a dictatorship or republic. Community leaders tend to be highly participative.

High performing teams may face circumstances that thrust themselves back to early stages. For example, the void left when early leaders leave a community can trigger a new Storming phase. I’m also reminded of the downtime caused by an explosion in the Planet’s H1 data center in Houston, an experience that sent its support forums into overdrive. Communities can experience these cycles of life over and over.

Browse the Big Boards to get a sense of what some of the largest communities on the web are doing. This is an outstanding resource for guerrilla social marketing.

Reflection: Sustaining High Performance
Congratulations if your community has achieved a level of high performance. Take some time to think about how you can keep it going.

Post Mortem: Transforming and Mourning

Dealing with Change and Coping with Demise

Online communities are like living organisms that either adapt to internal and external changes or they will die. Think back to the big events in your life and they were almost always precipitated by change. Leaving home, starting school, starting a career, leaving a job, getting married and having kids all involve a death of sorts. One ceases to act or exist in one way when they change in another way. The same kind of death and renewal applies to groups.

I have seen leaders “kill” online communities and the reaction is not unlike real-world death. Feelings may not be as severe as losing a loved one, but members do experience a sense of loss like seeing your favorite TV show get canceled or saying goodbye to a friend that move’s away. This experience in virtual communities is not surprising considering the personal investment and real formation of human bonds.

Brand managers should consider this effect when transitioning campaigns or taking down social microsites at the end of a media flight (aka End of Life or EOL). If maintenance costs are truly inhibitive to effective ongoing community support, then the community should probably be taken offline. A diseased community can actually be harmful to a brand.

On the other hand, if long-tail benefits are evident and the group is operating at a strong Norming or weak Performing stage, the community may merit a plan for transition and ongoing maintenance, even if it only provides minimal support.

If you decide to maintain a community because participation and impressions justify the cost, then turn to your vendor partners for help in this transition. Good providers like Mango Mobile plan for EOL at the beginning of a campaigns. They are very flexible in either extending maintenance agreements or handing all assets back to the client for perpetual hosting. Another example is Blockdot in the advergaming space. They continue to support several widgets, social gaming and community applications well beyond the original EOL campaign schedule.

The life and energy of a social network benefits from early planning in the Online Community Lifecycle. Likewise, it benefits from planning at the end of life. Leaders can use Transforming and Mourning stages as an opportunity to publicly praise the group’s accomplishments. Individuals can be recognized, relationships can be acknowledged and achievements can be praised. People celebrate the birth of children and they gather to celebrate the life of those departed in death. The same kind of celebration can be introduced to the life and achievements of an online community.

Reflection: Changes and Death of an Online Community
Your community may be on the verge of temporary or permanent transition. Consider these issues to decide if you should change or pull the plug.

Final Thoughts

Community Managers that want to work on their community, and less time in it should study Tuckman’s model of group dynamics in the context of an Online Community Lifecycle. Just as a sapling needs light, nutrients, water and fresh soil, an online community can be groomed for healthy sustainable growth.

Update: Read the accompanying article, How to Strengthen Your Online Community